Giving Your Pets Medication
4 Tips for Getting Your Pets to Take Their Medications
1. Follow Instructions
Closely follow all the instructions your veterinarian provides to ensure that you store medications properly (at the correct temperature) and administer them in the correct dose to your pet.
2. Use Administration Aids
Pets – especially cats – are picky about the things they eat. You can hide medicine in food or special treats to encourage pets to take their medications. Pet pillers and special restraint techniques can also facilitate medication administration.
3. Keep a Calendar
4. Ask About Compounding
If you struggle to administer your pet’s meds, ask about whether they can be compounded into a different form (capsule, liquid, powder, or treat) and/or flavor.
4 Pet Med Safety Precautions
1. Don't Share Prescriptions
Some human and pet medications are the same. However, your pet’s dose and instructions will differ from yours. Seemingly minor differences can have catastrophic consequences in pets whose metabolism is not identical to that of their human counterparts.
2. OTC Medications Are Off-Limits
Over the counter medications are safe for people, but they can be dangerous, toxic, and deadly for pets. Store these medications in a place where your pet won’t be able to access and accidentally ingest them.
3. Store Medications Separately
It’s extremely important to store your medications and supplements separately from those of your pets. This will ensure you never inadvertently confuse them, which could have adverse consequences.
4. Choose a Reputable Pharmacy
Depending on how they are manufactured, stored, and handled, pet medications and supplements can vary greatly in quality and efficacy. Select a reputable pet pharmacy, such as the one attached to or associated with a veterinary clinic.
Pet Prescription and Supplies from Our Mobile Clinic
At Signature Veterinary Services, we stock our mobile clinic with prescription medications and can readily and expediently order most medications that we do not regularly carry. Plus, we invite our clients to use our online store, which is an extension of our in-house pharmacy. When you get your pet’s supplies and medications directly from the veterinarian, you can always count on receiving high-quality products.